MarriageBuilding~ConstruyendoMatrimonios USA has many tools that meet the needs for the Marriages in your parish.


  • MARRIAGE BUILDING WEEKENDS are to pray for Anniversaries, display marriage Message Banners, and host Marriage Events.
  • Display Engaging MARRIAGE BANNERS that fill minds with the truth and beauty of marriage.
  • MARRIAGE BUILDING FAIR is an event to gift couples with “free” marriage resources while engaging the kids and showcasing marriage ministries.
  • EXAMINATION OF CONSCIENCE specifically for the married is perfect for spouses to examine their lives in light of their marriage relationship.
  • PRAYER CARDS for Marriages in your parish. English on one side, Spanish on the other.
  • ANNIVERSARY CARDS to honor the married couples each month. This are designed for Parish distribution.
  • ANNIVERSARY BLESSING to show you care for the marriages in the Parish. Includes blessing for Anniversaries, Engaged, Newly Married and widows/widowers remembering their wedding day.


  • MARRIAGE CARE™ trains Marriage Angels! to provide immediate care and solid referrals for troubled marriages. Pope Francis envisions the parish as a Field Hospital – MARRIAGE CARE™ is just that.
  • PATHWAYS™ to Marriage Convalidation & Sacramental Marriage is a Gathering for Couples in Irregular Marriages or Cohabitating that want to find more information about the STEPS to make their union a SACRAMENT.
  • THIS OLD SPOUSE – Revisiting “I Do” is a meaningful day of renewal for couples over the age of 50.
  • SACRAMENTAL ADVENTURES IN MARRIAGE (SAIM) is the best in marriage skills and skills coaching with a Sacramental foundation.
  • MARY’S MANTLE is a ministry of Prayer for Brides or Convalidating Couples of your parish.
  • STAFF IN-SERVICE DAY: is presented by Don & Lorrie Gramer and is a wonderful way to engage your parish staff in becoming a Marriage Building Parish.


  • We CARE about Marriage! events give an opportunity to have a dialogue about the state of marriage today. Here you can also recruit volunteers for Marriage Ministries.
  • MARRIAGE BUILDING 101 trains your leadership for Marriage Ministry in the Parish.
  • Train MARRIAGE ANGELS!™ to help care for distressed marriages in your Parish.


  • EXAMINATION of CONSCIENCE for the MARRIED are small cards to have at the confessional for Married Couples. They are sold in bulk.
  • MARRIAGE MESSAGING BANNERS for the vestibule to create a Culture of Marriage in the Parish.
  • BLESSING of COUPLES(Engaged, Married, Widowed.
  • CONSULTING SERVICES for establishing a Marriage Building Evangelization Team; Form a comprehensive strategy that develops volunteers and utilizes the 8 Building Blocks of a Marriage Building Parish.
  • BLESSING of HOME for the Newly Married uses the Holy Water from the Blessing of the Wedding Rings on the day of the Wedding and a prayer to be hung in the home.
  • Advent Family PRAYER CARDS are 5 weeks of take-home Family Activities and Prayer for the Sundays of Advent and Holy Family Sunday.
  • Taking Us to Prayer NOVENA is a 9-Day Novena for distressed marriages authored by Don and Lorrie Gramer.
  • CONSECRATION of HOMES to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Includes Consecration Booklet, Certificate and family activity sheet on the Apostles Creed.