PATHWAYS™ Starter Kit Details
Detailed Explanation of each of the items in the Kit
Everything need for a GATHERING to help couples learn what need to happen in order to get Married in the Church
PATHWAYS™ to Sacramental Marriage & Marriage Convalidation STARTER Kit ($129)
Includes PATHWAYS™ Guide for Leaders BINDER
PATHWAYS™ Guide for Leaders BINDER
This Guide lays out all the components to successfully conduct a PATHWAYS™ Informal Gathering. This includes important Catechesis, PowerPoint Presentation Scripts, STEP by STEP Booklet Explanation, Outline for Couple Witness, Prayer Slips Instructions, Promotional Materials, Terminology and Definitions, more
This comes with USB FLash drive which contains
Topics Covered in Guide for Leaders
Everything need for a GATHERING to help couples learn what need to happen in order to get Married in the Church
PATHWAYS™ to Sacramental Marriage & Marriage Convalidation PARTICIPANT Packet ($15)
This includes STEP by STEP Booklet
As part of PATHWAYS™, we have created a booklet called STEP BY STEP given to each participant attending PATHWAYS™.
The Booklet addresses many of the questions a couple may have. It becomes a reference point for what a couple needs to do. And it holds insights that a couple can ponder as they follow this pathway.
The first half of the booklet helps couples consider why Sacramental Marriage. “PATHWAYS™ to the Sacraments is a time of conversion, a time to better understand the Sacrament of Matrimony as a bond between the two spouses created by God Himself, so strong that only death can dissolve it.
This gives new meaning to our lives by embracing the vocation of marriage and dedicating our home as a place for meeting God. The second half of the booklet focuses on each of the STEPS to Living a Sacramental Marriage. Each of the spouses becomes the PATHWAY to holiness and heaven for each other through God’s grace.
This includes couple PRAYER SLIPS packet
Couple PRAYER SLIPS Packet
MarriageBuilding-ConstruyendoMatrimonios USA has created a set of Prayer Slips for participating couples to use in the days following PATHWAYS™.
Each Prayer Slip contains something relevant to the PATHWAYS™ experience and preparing for Sacramental Marriage in the Church and then gives a Prayer for the Couple to say together. In later Prayer Slips, there are ways the couple can add their own words to the prayer experience.
Prayer Slip for Day 11 is only to be included for those couples going through the Declaration of Nullity process.
In the STEP by STEP Booklets, STEP #1 is Prayer and Discernment. These Prayer Slips are to help couples discern and pray together in the days ahead. Each day leads the couple through a time of:
This includes Holy Heart! Holy Home! STICKER for PRAYER CANDLE
Holy Heart! Holy Home! STICKER for PRAYER CANDLE
(Candle not included).
Candles reflect the light of Christ. We want to provide a Candle to light their way. When invited to pray at the beginning, couples will be asked to light their candle which will stay lit during the entire gathering.
During the final Shared Prayer Experience with a member of the Team, the couple should be invited to take the candle with them to the chapel. At the end of the evening, couples will be reminded the candle is theirs for use with their Prayer Slips in the days ahead.
(Image on Palm Cross may vary from what is pictured).
As part of the Opening Prayer, couples will find a Palm Cross and an explanation of how to use a Palm Cross in Couple Prayer. Tonight, ask them to hold the cross together. When the Prayer Slips are explained and handed out as part of STEP One, remind them to use the Palm Cross in their Couple Prayer at home. At the conclusion of the formal Presentation, there is a third time the Prayer Cross will be used during PATHWAYS™ and that is in the shared prayer experience.
MarriageBuilding-ConstruyendoMatrimonios USA has created a an Examination of Conscience specifically for Married Couples. It allows a married person to better prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Includes meaningful reflections and the Act of Contrition
PATHWAYS™ to Marriage Convalidation & Sacramental Marriage Items
Save by purchasing the Starter Kit. This program can be used in a group setting or with individual couples. It contains all you need for promotions, set-up and establishing a prayer routine for the couples that participate.